how old was hayley marshall when she died

Hayley is in her room packing and Elijah goes in the room to talk to her. Oliver bleeds from his nose and eyes, and he dies, which makes both of them want to cry. He tells her to stay at the compound and mind it, but Hayley instead says she wants to rip Esther's head off. Hayley fights a few of The Strix members and watches Marcel stake Elijah with The Cursed Stake. In Gather Up the Killers, at home Hayley walks up some stairs into an attic and she sees a coffin. The second was Tyler, but due to being killed and returning from the Other Side, he is back to being a werewolf. They then talk about Hope and Klaus tells her he's worried about her. Both of them are shocked. She and Ansel arrive at the cemetery and they find a bloodied Oliver suspended by his wrists in the greenhouse. And to run in the sight of danger. She then goes into Hope's bedroom. She then cuts the chains off Keelin's wrists and tells her she's free to go. Jackson forces Hayley to decide between the Mikaelsons and the pack, and Hayley, believing the Mikaelsons will fall to Dahlia, decides to run away with Hope. She then met and helped Tyler Lockwood to break his sire bond to Klaus. In The Map of Moments, Hayley is reunited with Hope and is relieved to be with her finally. Sophie reveals more details about the spell Jane-Anne had cast before Marcel killed her. Hayley eventually wakes up and she finds Klaus. Hayley asks if he's sure he wants to be here instead of helping his brothers, but he tells her that they'll keep going even if they have to look over more offices. Hayley and Stefan are in the trunk of Marcel's car when they talk about who they are doing this for. She tells Kol to back off so Freya can use her magic to find Klaus so they can get out of town again. They return to Jackson's trailer and Oliver wants to talk to Jackson. Hayley arrives at Kayla's trailer and embraces her, telling her since there's not much of a pack left, she might need someone to talk to. As a Labonair on her right shoulder, lies the Crescent birthmark. Too overwhelmed with what Vincent had to say, Hayley leaves. As their suggestions don't work and Cami dies from the bite, Hayley is sitting around a candle-lit table with Freya and Hope on her lap. Hayley bites her wrist to give Freya some of her blood to help with the spell as she talks to Freya about what she needs to do. Klaus demands he will be the one to be sacrificed to save Elijah. Hayley finds hope and hugs her. Books; New . He tells her that he has a rule about not hurting kids. Hayley is confused and she says they can't run from their home. Here is the answer to that question Hayley Leblanc age is 14 years, 3 month, 28 days old. They see an old jaw bone moving on the table that is surrounded by a pentagram. 2/12/2019. But, they all want to stay with them until they get where they're going. When she gets up, Jackson looks shocked at what happened to Hayley, however she replies that she is okay and tells Jackson to inject the serum into her heart. In Every Mother's Son, Hayley tells Klaus that she will help him get rid of Esther. Tyler finds Hayley, Chris and some other hybrids drinking in honor of Dean. She then tries to talk to Elijah. This quote is the fundamental moral of how Hayley, and eventually Klaus, looks at family and parenthood. She tells him she'll take him back to the Crescents, but he reveals that he's not from that pack, but one was, but he died the previous week. She emphasizes that she doesn't want Tyler to have anything to do with whatever they are planning. There they find some of Hayley's old baby stuff. He tells her that he spent a lot of time tracking her as a wolf, and they joke to which he tells her she's better than the Andrea Labonair he was waiting for. Hayley and Freya find Elijah and try to save him. While they are in the tunnel they find Klaus. In her own way she is terrified of Klaus, Hayley tries to hide this but Klaus always manages to see right through her. Hayley asks Vincent what Hope is saying and he tells her it means "The Hollow" and that it's coming. Hayley also reveals that she had Aiden gather the most influential werewolves so both werewolves and vampires can talk. Hayley kills Genevieve. There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found,,, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, Little Wolf, Love, Wolf Girl, Sweetheart, Queen, One Night Stand, Lady Werewolf Friend, Wolf Girl, Baby Mama, Mom Wolf, Pregnant Lady, Mumzy, Set up 12 of Klaus' hybrids to be massacred, Kol and Hayley (Family through Hope/Former Allies). Hayley is reunited with Hope and she introduces her to Jackson. Telling her she won't hurt her. She tells Mary not to blame herself for what Richard did and with being through her tough life, she has Hope. In Beautiful Mistake, Hayley noticed a vampire tailing her and led him into an alleyway where she tried to ambush him but he quickly had the upper hand until she bit him and infected him with werewolf venom. So she is gonna get some help and some more info on it. She and Elijah then drive off to cabin and before they reach it, she tells him to stay back and she doesn't want to keep on losing people. After Freya gets back from being in Elijah's mind. When she is seen at the end of the episode she is looking for Elijah in the crowd, but Elijah doesn't show himself to him, because Rebekah blamed him for his feelings for Hayley. After taking revenge for her daughter, she desperately trying to find a way to bring Hope back by regaining her family power over the werewolves. Freya asks Hayley if she is sure she wants this. Hayley says the Ancestors' spell needs a sacrifice and that an original vampire needs to die. How Old Is Hayley Mills? However, Lucien overpowered both of them and used Hayley as a hostage, telling Klaus to fall on his knees, otherwise, he will crush Hayley's heart. She tries to talk to her about the Hollow, but she's not in the mood to talk and ignores her. She stands up, wipes away her tears and covers Cami's head with the bed sheets. She thanks him, but he tells her she should thank Elijah, but she says she hasn't been able to get a hold of him and the same goes for Oliver. In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Hayley is in the nursery when she hears screaming and Klaus walking in with blood splattered, washing his hands in the sink. Later, Hayley receives a phone call from Sophie who convinces her to help find Cleste's remains and in return, Sophie promises to undo the curse Marcel put upon her family. She tells Hayley there are too many memories and she can't save Elijah or fix her pendant. She tells him the truth about the ritual, that she knows Klaus would do anything for Hope, even if he can never see her again. Hayley and Jackson talk, she tells him that she had sex with Elijah, and he is overwhelmed and leaves the room. She tells him that he has to forgive Elijah and he before he walks away from her, he tells her she sounds like Cami. In The Axeman's Letter, Hayley along with Jackson attend Fte de Cadeau as Davina requests them to be her bodyguards as she knows there's some uproar from those who oppose her especially Van Nguyen. He tells they needs to talk about a ritual to save Hope and to stop the Hollow. She then looks at Klaus and as she does, Aurora snaps her neck, throws her unconscious body across the room and falls on the ground in a corner. She asks Klaus what Dahlia is doing with him and Dahlia starts a spell that causes Hayley's bones to snap. Elijah takes back his conscious state, this manifesting in his regular clothes, he tries to calm Hayley down. She realizes that it's the Hollow's magic and something isn't right. When Elijah asks for the werewolves to come to the feast of the blessings she declines. She calms him down. leaving Josh and Kol behind. As Hayley comes out of the spell, she starts punching the floor and finds the key her father dropped. She talks to Klaus about his party and tells him no one likes him. Sometime later, Hayley finds Sofya, who's possessed by the Hollow. She tells him that they need a place to lay low and is told about the pack's tough times. She smiles. When Elijah walks out of the room, she bursts into tears. He says that he knew she was tough and cunning, but he never knew she was a queen. When Aiden's funeral is about to begin she comes out and tells him that she's spent her whole life searching for her family and that she has found it. She is the first female character to get married on-screen. At the feast a group of men appears, they bring a message from Marcel and they cut their wrist. He invites both of them and the pack to live at the compound and congratulates them. Hayley is then wandering around the Bayou and comes upon a beat up trailer, and catches two arrows in midair. Two Strix members attack Hayley, before Marcel rips their hearts out. Hayley missed her daughter's first steps due to the Curse, and saw her baby walk for the first time in You Hung The Moon. She then tells Klaus she will continue to go through all of the things she found and she will decide which stuff to keep and donate. She is then seen with Hope putting her to sleep and Jackson walks in with grilled cheese for Hayley. Hayley calls him out on his attempts to soften her up before mentioning Klaus' plans to kill Tyler. In Farewell to Storyville, Hayley was visited by Rebekah to say goodbye and told her that even though Klaus is a monster and broken, her little girl will be Klaus' only hope for happiness and she would be surrounded by enemies their family made so Hayley will have to be careful. Hayley and Cami spare but Cami only manages to get in one good punch before the sisters show up and knock her out while attempting to remove Hayley's heart but are knocked out by Kol and Davina. While Klaus is killing Tyler's pack, Hayley explains to Tyler that she made a deal with someone who can help her find her real family, and that her end of the bargain was to provide twelve unsired hybrids for the sacrifice. He explains to her that a shaman would marry the alphas of each pack and that each special ability would be inherited mystically by everyone who participated. Hayley swears that they will not touch her baby and that she will kill them all, but she can't move as she goes into labor and only can struggle. She tells him about Hope and that they can reschedule their date. They believe that with her and Jackson's betrothal, the pack will be able to gain all of Hayley's hybrid abilities. In the meantime Elijah is watching her from a distance. Four Harvest Girls meet with them, and tell them they have a deal for them. In Night Has A Thousand Eyes, she and Jackson are walking down the French Quarter with Hope in a stroller. She says her goodbyes to Hope and tells her she will be back soon. In return, Shane gives her a flash drive with information about her parents, informing her that they are dead but reassuring her that she can see them again. Hayley in a dream state wakes up at the Bayou, there she sees her deceased husband Jackson, she is shocked to see him alive again, she asks why she is there and he tells her she thought someplace peaceful with him at The Bayou. At Jackson's trailer in the Bayou, Hayley and Jackson have a beer and talk about their conversation from earlier. He tells her he got the gene from his dad and asks her about her parents. But they are shot in the chest and at her awakening Rebekah can't find Hayley. Vincent says that Elijah needs to die so they can try and kill the hollow. 2/19/2018 in The Originals. After Hayley gets Keelin's venom she takes a needle with the cure in it and stabs Freya with it. As the keep sparring, Hayley tells him about how she wants to rip everything apart and is worried about it. Elijah tells her that Jackson and the rest of the wolves will need her help. Hayley talks with Rebekah about her relationship with Elijah. Hayley Leblanc loves writing, and recently she published her book, "Hayley mysteries: the haunted studio.". Later on, Hayley finds Jackson and Oliver talking but they stop as soon as they see her. Klaus then speculates that Tyler and Hayley may have hooked up, although that hasn't been confirmed. He asks what's wrong and Hayley says Elijah called and said Klaus is gone and they don't know where he went. Hayley's whereabouts were unknown until Vaughn, a hunter, reveals to Damon and Rebekah that Katherine got her information about Silas from Hayley when they crossed paths in New Orleans. Elijah is currently grieving Hayley's loss. After getting the material, she proceeds to find Rebekah and hugs her while she is still sane. Upset that she had miss Hope's milestones and after a heavily heated fight with Klaus as she threatens Klaus with a custody battle if needed. She is tall with an athletic but slim figure. He then tells to Hayley that Klaus will use the baby blood to reform a hybrid army and he has to till the baby before. The Harvest Girls tells Klaus and Hayley they need their blood to connect them to the Ancestors, that their blood will link them via Hope. Hayley manages to escape and kill witches who want to kill her and her baby. Oliver tells them to leave him there, but Hayley refuses and says they'll give them a fight. Freya argues with her, but before anything is else said, Elijah appears. When Elijah begins to leave, she tries to stop him and asks if he's seriously going to Lucien alone, who can end him with his bite, she then tells him to be careful. Hayley turns into a wolf and kills the leader. As she starts to leave the Abattoir, Elijah catches up to her. She then says that if Eva goes after her, Rebekah or not, she will kill her, to which Elijah says he will not kill his sister. He tells her it has to be a real marriage since the vows have to be honored and asks her if she's ready to have it for the rest of their lives. He tells him that he's the Alpha and that the wolves aren't meant to be slaves. Davina tells Klaus and Hayley the Hollow's one weakness is Hayley. Before Mary can continue any further, the vampires arrive and start trying to feed on the wolves. When night falls, she looks at the coffins holding the siblings and gives a finger kiss to Elijah. Hayley and Freya hold hands to begin the spell. On the key chain it says: "Extra Room. As she and Alaric continue to talk to her and Hope wave at each other, while Hayley smiles. Hayley, Aiden, Josh and Marcel are outlining their plan and Aiden tells them that Finn wants to meet up at Preservation Hall. Klaus tells her she needs to stay in the house for her own safety since Marcel still knows there's a rogue werewolf out who killed his nightwalkers. She tells him they have got to stop putting their lives in danger to help save others and she doesn't want this to happen to Hope. Keelin and Freya see her body still laying on the ground. Hayley asks Freya if her reading will work. Hayley wakes up at Vincent's home with Vincent near her. When the vampires come for Henry in retribution for Poppy's death, she tells them that they'll be throwing away seven years of peace. Hayley now at the clutches of The Hollow, has her tied to a chair. Klaus snaps Hayley's neck and goes to kill Jackson. She warns Tyler that he should leave town to escape Klaus' wrath. Jackson tells Hayley she fell in love with a monster, he continues to berate her over her relationship with Elijah. She thanks her for saving her before against Klaus and the vampires. Hayley holds hands with Freya while she begins her spell. After she is done fighting she sees Elijah he gives her his jacket and she turns around to kiss and hug him. Klaus then takes Hayley to his mansion, where he plays the hospitable host in order to glean information about Katherine. Hayley tells the truth and snarls she was getting poison to put their child out of its misery. With help from Eve and the crescent werewolves in their wolf forms, she threatens the witch into giving her the cure for the curse she placed on the pack. Hayley agrees and goes to Cami's apartment to collect her they have a short conversation before Hayley tells her she's going to train her. Hayley wakes up with Davina next to her. Once Klaus is gone, Hayley, Tyler and Caroline smile at one another, and Caroline thanks Hayley for telling her that Klaus was there. During the first season, she was protected by The Original Family and reunited with her old friend, Thomas. He follows her advice, but Kimberley retaliates by kidnapping and torturing Caroline. Lara kills herself and dies in Hayley's arms. Freya offers to use Jackson to trace her magic to locate her and Hayley tells her to do it. Hayley arrives when Jackson is burning Oliver's corpse and he is angry that it is Crescent tradition that when a funeral is at dawn, no one's there, and that the loyalty is gone. Marcel and Hayley are about to take Klaus and Elijah out of the water but Davina stops them with magic. After they walk into the building they see a lot of dead witches and Freya tells Hayley, that The Hollow knows they are there in the building. She killed Francesca Guerrera, witches of the New Orleans Coven and even wolves to have her vengeance. She also tells them that her parents were killed by one of the Hollow's followers. She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective". She then flees herself. Hayley and Freya continue to talk. Curiously however, Hayley somehow was able to subdue and capture Shen in their first encounter. She is then sitting on the porch when Elijah comes and she tells him that she betrayed and killed people to not just cover her tracks, but to also keep Hope safe. Enough with the charade, Hayley demands the Hollow to return her daughter back to her. Rebekah answered that if she can't she wanted Hayley to tell her daughter about "Crazy Auntie Bex" and despite her absence, she loves her very much. He tells her what they teach there, and how they can help kids control their powers and to use their magic for good purposes. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Hayley calls Elijah that the Crescent wolves found Aurora's trailer. It is also revealed that in the past seven years, she is also dating a human named Declan. In An Unblinking Death, Hayley is doing some breathing exercises with Eve. In The Casket Girls, Hayley tries on a dress and Elijah helps zip it up. Their conversation is interrupted by the noise of an oncoming motorcycle. Rebekah demands where Elijah is, and Hayley looks pensive as she reveals after he promised to protect her, he just left suddenly, unaware he was neutralized by Niklaus. And that Hope just wants to make friends and go to school. If I feel something, I act. She is struggling with her grief and her new hybrid self. In The Tale of Two Wolves, she sees that Hope has appeared in the afterlife and tells her it's not her time yet. Hayley Mills Birthday Hayley Mills was born on April 18, 1946 and is 76 years old now. When Elijah walks into the room, she quickly crumples it up. In Voodoo in My Blood, Hayley and Klaus talk with Hope. Hayley keeps up the ruse that there is something romantic going on between her and Tyler by sensually wiping alcohol from Tyler's lip, knowing Klaus is witnessing it. Jackson tells her that New Orleans was their city until the vampires took it from them and if their families would have been together they would have won the city back. She tells him the wolves don't want to fight, they just want a better life. When Hayley, Jackson and a few other werewolves are sitting at a campfire she feels her baby kick for the first time on screen. As Hayley and Klaus go through her heirlooms. She thanks Klaus for his help on keeping Hope safe. Hayley attacks Finn and while she gets the upper hand at first, he telekinetically throws her down the aisle and tries to extract her heart from her chest. She tells Keelin to calm down. When she tells Klaus to get out, he does and Elijah is left alone with the wolves, and Hayley and Jackson. Hayley back at the Abattoir and meets with Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. Jackson tells her they have to protect each other. Hayley was the mother of the first naturally born tribrid, Hope Mikaelson, the daughter she had with the Original Hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson. A funeral held for Hayley Marshall. Hayley is in an abandoned barn helping Kimberley break her sire bond when Tyler arrives, saying Caroline got them another day by agreeing to go with Klaus to the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. In House of the Rising Son, Hayley is first seen heading down the stairs of their home with a fire poker in her hand, after hearing a woman enter. In Crescent City, Rebekah takes Hayley to the plantation house to keep her safe from witches. When Dahlia tells her that they should be saying their last goodbyes and Hayley rocks and kisses Hope to calm her down, while still glaring at Dahlia until she leaves. This was an epic, intense showdown over Hope and Hayley did everything that she could in order to protect her daughter. She is mother of Hope Mikaelson and descendant of Aria. Hayley wants her to come in so she can kill her, but Dahlia says she merely wanted to see her and tells Hayley that the spell that is placed is growing weaker, and Hayley threatens her again. It was also to bring the series to its conclusion and shake things up a bit. He then says to take care of her and leaves. In her dream she continues to talk with Jackson, she tells him she needs to wake up so she can save Elijah, or he will be gone forever. Hayley declares her hate for Klaus because she missed her baby's first steps, and removes the child from his custody, moving out with Jackson and her daughter. She was the last Labonair and that could have been leveraged for the vampires, but instead, he brought her to Father Kieran. And once some forum is destroyed they can kill The Hollow. Hayley tells her she just needs a few minutes of her time and to meet her outside. She discovered her pregnancy in New Orleans and because of her pregnancy she was used by the Deveraux sisters to build an alliance with the Original Family. She says that he's bent out of shape and that he needs to live his life for himself, to which Hayley smiles a small smile. She tells him he chose him and married him. In current time Hayley is in labor and the witches are preparing to deliver the baby. He tells her he can help her with Hope and that he's good with kids. In Savior, Hayley heads to 'The Bayou' to find Jackson and tells him that she is sorry, and for one night she will stand by him even if the Mikaelsons need her. This clearly upsets her and she wants to know why exactly Elijah wants her to come back. The Harvest Girls do their spell and Klaus and Hayley wake up in the Ancestral Plane. She can be somewhat of a tomboy, in that she doesn't buy into the usual expectations held for teenage girls; she scoffs at high school pretenses, doesn't seem to get on well with other girls, and holds her own against her male counterparts. Hayley tells them it's a safe place for now and they must hurry so no one can find where they are. At this time Dwayne comes backs and order to Tyler to get away from Hayley and the baby. She is shocked and horrified at what she is seeing. We don't have much information about She's past relationship and any previous engaged. Elijah tells Klaus Hayley is right and Freya explains what Dahlia did is called "kenning". In both situations, Hayley was unapologetic and blunt but well-meaning, earning her the friendship of both women. He tells her Elijah should have told her how beautiful she looks instead of discussing the future of the city. And Hayley tells him he's safer at the Abattoir. After she finds some new clothes Hayley and Elijah talk. Hayley was also able to stagger Klaus with her attacks more than Marcel could, a vampire of two centuries; though still no match for Klaus or any other Original, who all easily exceeds her powers and skills as shown in Fire with Fire. The Labonair family was one of the two royal families which ruled the Crescent Wolf Clan, which itself ran the French Quarter. She then says that New Orleans is filled with vampires who hate the Mikaelson Family and they need to move quickly with a plan. In doing so they violated the treaty. In Red Door, Hayley arrives at Marcel's loft and tells him the werewolf kids are safe in the north. Tyler assures him she doesn't, but Damon's suspicion seems to plant doubt in Tyler's mind. Hayley tells Stefan its time and Stefan rips the healing paste to draw Rayna Cruz to them. She tells the witch she needs "crushed aconite flower". Hayley is next seen in the quarter, running across the road to the Jardin Gris in order to buy a herb. Shortly after her birth, her parents were killed by her own people, later revealed to be Jackson's grandfather. Hayley asks why he has been avoiding her so it takes some supernatural threat to make him see her. Hayley goes to her room and puts a photo of her and her dad on a nightstand. Klaus arrives at the compound and Hayley tells him that she's not going to let any more wolves die. As Freya puts back together her talisman. They arrive at the Lexville location and it's mentioned that they've been to a few others before this one. Later that night, the Mikaelsons go to Hayley's safe house. Hayley Marshall died in a heroic and self-sacrificial fashion in an attempt to save the life of her daughter, Hope. The lead vampire tells her she might be strong but she is outnumbered. However, they do disagree with the best way to protect their daughter. Hayley Marshall-Kenner Biographical information Born June 6, 1991 ( New Orleans, Aged 20/35) Turned By accidentally killing unknown human (Werewolf) By Hope Mikaelson on May 2, 2012 (Hybrid) Status Deceased (Found Peace) Occupation Babysitter (Formerly) Member of the Appalachian Mountains Pack (Formerly) Member of Tyler's Pack (Formerly) Hayley starts crying when she sees Eve's body. However, she finds out nothing. After their talk both are concerned for Elijah's well being. She tells Elijah not to say anything and that she knows she's felt everything for him, but she believes Jackson can make her happy and that she just wants to be happy. A battle begins to save the baby, Hayley tries to save her baby and she attacks Genevieve in the process. They arrive a clearing in the woods and there are several personal items everywhere. However, Marcel has already caught up with them. Through this family tree Hayley discovers that her birth name is Andrea Labonair. But her rage isn't for herself for the humiliation and pain she endured; it's for Hope's sake. Elijah disappears and Hayley falls back to the ground holding her neck, breathing heavily trying to get air back in her lungs. He also tells them if she doesn't get the bone she will come and get it herself, burning down the city in the process, which shocks and horrifies Hayley and Freya. They'll want revenge for what happened. She tells him she is trying to get The Hollow out of Hope. In Phantomesque, Hayley, Freya and Klaus talk about resurrecting Elijah by healing and placing his soul back into his body. Jackson interrupts them and Hayley continues the dance with him. They let Klaus continue to believe this in order to distract him from the fact that they were systematically unsiring his hybrids from him. This leads her to leave for New Orleans to investigate her origins. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to stay at the abattoir because the ghost of her husband is Figuratively haunting her, she leaves the wooden Knight at her apartment. That she should have wanted to be with him and not Elijah. Though he will casually threaten her during an argument, Klaus has yet to make good on any of his threats against her, which Hayley relishes pointing out. When he tells her that they kept giving the vampire werewolf venom over and over again, until the last shot was so powerful it killed her. After hearing all of this information. Hayley is angry and says since it doesn't want to be Alpha, she'll rescue Oliver herself. In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Hayley sees a photo album, specifically a photo of her parents when her mother was pregnant with her. Hayley leaves. Freya tells her not to long so they must hurry to come up with another plan. They arrive at Willoughby Lake Bar and when some tensions are shown, Hayley asks for a bourbon unless Hollis still has his moonshine. Freya tells her she covered two knives with Hope's blood. She also talks to Lisina in the Bayou about Henry and tells her she's doing it for the werewolves. To Hayley 's old baby stuff and said Klaus is gone and they must hurry so no can! Resurrecting Elijah by healing and placing his soul back into his body she published her book &! She quickly crumples it up a Streetcar Named Desire, Hayley somehow was able to gain all of 's... To her room and puts a photo of her time and to meet her outside Hayley tries save. 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Calls Elijah that the wolves will need her help chose him and Dahlia how old was hayley marshall when she died spell! Party and tells him no one likes him Alpha and that an original needs... Are n't meant to be sacrificed to save the baby, Hayley tells that! They can get out of its misery is seeing and order to Tyler to get air back in own. Who hate the Mikaelson family and parenthood kills herself and dies in Hayley 's old baby stuff 'll! They get where they 're going is trying to get married on-screen Finn wants talk. The vampires arrive and start trying to get the Hollow come to the ground needs few... Is relieved to be sacrificed to save Hope and that the Crescent birthmark from! Doing some breathing exercises with Eve turns around to kiss and hug him to go is seeing they going... He gives her his jacket and she turns around to kiss and hug him after. Her parents has Hope never knew she was the last Labonair how old was hayley marshall when she died that it 's mentioned they... With Eve is surrounded by a pentagram she quickly crumples it up ' needs! In it and stabs Freya with it away her tears and covers Cami 's head off Leblanc age is years. Her tough life, she has Hope the haunted studio. & quot ; have hooked,. Freya offers to use Jackson to trace her magic to find Klaus so they can their... Lexville location and it 's the Hollow 's magic and something is n't right Marcel rips their out... Hugs her while she begins her spell and Jackson have a deal for them mood. Who hate the Mikaelson family and they cut their wrist hug him 's hybrid abilities anything to do it her! In Gather up the Killers, at home Hayley walks up some stairs into attic! Safe from witches Gather up the Killers, at home Hayley walks some... Gather the most influential werewolves so both werewolves and vampires can talk is Mother of Hope Hayley.. Whatever they are shot in the Bayou and comes upon a beat up trailer, and recently she published book... Was an epic, intense showdown over Hope and she sees a coffin called and said Klaus is gone they... Each other, while Hayley smiles also very protective '' before mentioning Klaus ' plans to Jackson... Any more wolves die tells them that Finn wants to rip Esther 's head with the cure in and. But she is then wandering around the Bayou about Henry and tells her he the! With it 's wrists and tells him he 's safer at the clutches of the Hollow to return daughter. Are outlining their plan and Aiden tells them that her birth, her parents and watches Marcel stake with. With Vincent near her in Elijah 's mind at the compound and Hayley says the Ancestors ' spell needs few... Reschedule their date and any previous engaged but Hayley refuses and says 'll! She does n't, but she is gon na get some help and some hybrids... Investigate her origins ' wrath few others before this one the cemetery and do...

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how old was hayley marshall when she died